Photo by Tracy Thomas


What is the Gospel?

God is the creator of everything and everyone. God is the ruler (the crown) and humanity is created to live in and rule God’s world under God’s loving authority (John 3:16John 1:3Matthew 6:26Romans 1:18).

The sad truth is that, from the very beginning, men and women everywhere have rejected God by doing things their own way. This rebellious, self-sufficient attitude is what the Bible calls ‘sin’. By rebelling against God, we’ve made a terrible mess of things. The question is: what will God do about it?

God cares enough about humanity to take our rebellion seriously. He won’t let the rebellion go on forever. The result is separation from God and the penalty is eternal death and judgment.
(Colossians 1:16Isaiah 53:6Isaiah 59:2Romans 6:23)

Because of his great love and generosity, God did not leave us to suffer the consequences of our foolish rebellion. He did something to save us. He sent his own divine son into our world to become a man—Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus died as a substitute for rebels like us. The debt that we owed God, Jesus paid by dying in our place. He took the full force of God’s justice on himself, so that forgiveness and pardon might be available to us.

God accepted Jesus’ death as payment in full for our sins, and raised him from the dead.
(Colossians 1:19-201 Peter 2:22Romans 5:81 Corinthians 15:34John 10:10)

You must turn away from your sin and rebellion against God, and believe that Jesus died for the forgiveness of your sins in order to reconcile you back to God. You must receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord.(Matthew 4:17John 1:12John 15:10)

If you would like to know more about the Gospel, kindly visit Two Ways to Live or Contact Us here.